COVID-19 Vaccines

The Palmetto Palace strives to serve the community in an impactful way during emergency and crisis situations. With our Mobile Health Unit launching right at the start of the pandemic we have shifted to offer public education, free masks, and COVID-19 testing. We are currently still offering COVID-19 vaccines to our communities as well. To date, over 8,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered through the Palmetto Palace Mobile Health Unit, making it one of the top ten percent of COVID-19 Providers in South Carolina.

Please call 833-625-4584 (833-MBL-HLTH) to schedule your COVID-19 vaccine or click here to request the Palmetto Palace Mobile Health Unit at your community event.

"I had the privilege of working as a volunteer with the Palmetto Palace during vaccination events to offer COVID-19 vaccines in the greater Charleston area. It has been very gratifying to see the impact on the communityโ€™s health and safety and to be able to play a small part."

Julia Sachs, RN